EuPA intends to honour a person with a leading and long-standing involvement in promoting the principles of sharing and integrating resources for the development of excellent research in the Proteomics field. Therefore, EuPA is looking for a candidate who has made longstanding contributions to EuPA, and thus has been integral to the success of its mission.
In addition, this is a scientist or technologist who has demonstrated a deep interest in sharing resources and has achieved significant contributions to the EuPA organization.
EuPA National Societies will be invited to nominate candidates. Only ONE candidate may be nominated by each EuPA Member Society and this candidate must be from a FOREIGN Society.
2023 Pedro Beltrao (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
2022 Karl Mechtler (Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Austria)
2021 Fernando Corrales (Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology, Spain)
2019 Ole N. Jensen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
2018 Paola Picotti (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
2017 Kathryn Lilley (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)
2016 Friedrich Lottspeich (Max Plank Institute, Germany)
2015 Lennart Martens (University of Ghent, Belgium)