Éva Csősz, Hungary
The major missions of the EuPA Conference & Communication Committee (CCC) are:
• Increasing the visibility and accessibility of proteomics for scientists and clinicians from the scientific community (life science, clinical science, biostatistics, bioinformatics, etc.)
• Organization of crossover meetings with other scientific societies (ex. FEBS, EMBO, FEMS, ESCMID, etc.)
• Coordination between EuPA General Council, HUPO and National Societies for EuPA congress organization
• Development and facilitation of EuPA communication including official website, social media appearance, promotional material and EuPA Newsletter
• Encouraging and coordination of EuPA workshops
• Organization of webinars involving scientists (students, juniors, and seniors) from the National Societies
• Fostering communication among the National Societies
Members of the Conferences & Communication Committee:

Maria Bourganou, Greece (2023-)
“Being part of EuPA Conferences and Communication Committee is a fantastic way to enhance proteomics fundamental research while promoting networking and enabling interdisciplinary collaborations throughout Europe. My mission includes the dissemination of proteomics and their utility in science, as well as the spread of accessibility of up-to-date information regarding proteomic aspects and EuPA’s activities.”

Tristan Cardon, France (2023-)
“My involvement in the European Proteomics Society is an opportunity to assist young researchers in integrating into the community, foster exchanges between research laboratories within the community, and facilitate the dissemination of community information.”

Marie Chion, France (2021-)
“As an active member of EuPA Conferences & Communications Committee, I would like not only to contribute to bringing people from various countries together but also gathering scientists from various fields (chemistry, life sciences, statistics, informatics). I think the proteomics community would benefit from a better knowledge-sharing between all these parties, not to mention the importance of the communication between industrial and academical researchers.”

Fernando Corrales, Spain (2021-)
“It is an honor and a great pleasure to have the opportunity to serve EuPA to consolidate the European proteomics networking and to disseminate proteomics across the scientific community and the broad society.”

Éva Csősz, Hungary (2021-)
“During my career I realized how important proteomics is for the broader life sciences, and conversely, how important the broader life sciences are for the proteomics community. My aim is to foster the interactions and strengthen the ties between EuPA and other scientific communities. My mission is to increase the visibility of proteomics among scientists and to ensure the accessibility of up-to-date information about all aspects of EuPA activities.”

Simon Daled, Belgium (2021-)
“During the pandemic it became clear that conferences and communication can come in different shapes and sizes. This enabled a smoother connection between scientists across the globe. However, this extraordinary period also emphasized the need for personal contact. Therefore, the scientific community must find a new balance between the “efficient” on-line and the undistracted, more profound in-person.”

Sandra Goetze, Switzerland (2021-)
“Innovation is frequently triggered through interactions. By supporting conference organization within EuPA I would like to help to attract research groups from various countries with different expertise in life sciences, bioinformatics, and medicine, to trigger and foster interdisciplinary collaborations with a focus on a proteomics perspective.”

Ana Obradović, Serbia (2023-)
“As a memeber of EuPA Conferences and Communication Committee I consider it a fantastic opportunity to promote scientific research in the field of proteomics and a real challenge to work on interdisciplinary networking of scientists across Europe.”

Luisa Schmidt, Germany (2023-)
“My aim as a member of this committee is to promote scientific exchange, facilitate networking, and strengthen the proteomics community in Europe. Science needs to be shared to generate and develop new ideas and stimulate exciting collaborations.”

Lilla Turiak, Hungary (2021-)
“My primary aims as part of the EUPA Conferences & Communication Committee are strengthening the collaboration and communication among the National Societies to establish a network and making proteomics more visible and used in the life sciences field especially through the organization of joint meetings with societies working close to this research area.”

Eleni Zografos, Greece (2023-)
“I believe that through strong networking and interdisciplinary collaboration we can disseminate knowledge on the field of proteomics, help increase visibility of proteomics research within the biomedical community, and reach a wider audience.”
Previous Members of the Conferences & Communication Committee:

Dominik Cysewski, Poland (2021-2023)
“Today’s mass spectrometry driven proteomics is an incredibly powerful tool. But it’s full potential manifests when working on important biological or medical questions. Conferences and Communications are crucial to present to other researchers what proteomics can bring to their research and to consolidate the proteomic community through joint meetings and conferences stimulating new ideas and collaborations.”

Maria Gazouli, Greece (2021-2023)
“Networks are vital to innovation! The support of conference organization within EuPA is a great opportunity for networking!”

Nicolas Desbenoit, France (2021-2023)
“I am firmly convinced that Conferences & Communications Committee is the first line to promote benefits of proteomics through Europe. Multiple concrete actions will be led by our great team to make EuPA more dynamic and attractive. One of my main role will be focused on the organization of the Newsletter.”

Svetlana Murzina, Russia (2021-2023)

Aysel Ozpynar, Turkey (2021-2023)
“Science improves when ideas are shared and communication among the scientific community increases. In the scientific activities of EuPA, I would like to engage the attention of researchers, specifically young researchers, in life sciences, bioinformatics, and medicine, to trigger and encourage interdisciplinary collaborations with a focus on proteomics perspective.”